Steris 3085SP Surgical Table - medicalequipment

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01 August 2011


Steris 3085SP Surgical Table

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The Midmark 7300 General Surgery Table meets the needs of every surgery suite.  It is ideal for many procedures including cardiovascular, thoracic, abdominal, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, and ENT.  It is designed for maximum C-arm access and X-ray visibility and uses electro/hudraulic power to move the table quickly from one position to the next.  There is an infinite variety of positions with independent head, back, seat and leg sections.  Standard positions include Trendeleburg, Reverse Trendelenburg, Modified Fowler, Prone, Lateral, Chair, and many others.  The radio-translucent area permits conventional X-ray or C-arm in a typical kidney position.  The unique pad design prevents the patient from sinking inot the gap between the X-ray tops.  The 7100 always knows where the headrest is located.  If the patient's position is reversed, the micro-processor reverses commands.  One-handed operation is easy with the hand-held control.  Digital readouts constantly inform the operator of the table's current position, as well as the status of the battery charge.  For cardiovascular, thoracic or abdominal procedures where maximum C-arm access is needed, remove the head section and attach it to the leg section.  The table is now reversed.   The Midmark 7300 has many optional accessories available and also accepts other manufacturers accessories.  This table is sold as reconditioned and is in excellent condition.


Height:  27.5" to 44"
Trendelenburg and Reverse Trendelenburg:  0-28 degrees
Left and right lateral tilt:  0-18 degrees
Back section:  28-0-28 degrees (normal)
80-0-105 degrees (reverse)
Normal position coordinated:  flex 220, reflex 155 degrees
Reverse position coordinated:  flex 236, reflex 124 degrees
Leg section:  down 105 degrees, up 80 degrees for chair positioning
Single button return to level
Weight capacity:  400 lbs

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