Dental Loupes - medicalequipment

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28 May 2011


Dental Loupes

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As surgery becomes ever more complex, and surgeons, both the regular medical surgeons and dental surgeons, have to cope with surgical procedures that are ever more intricate, there is a need for increased magnification to enable the dental surgeon or regular surgeon to do the job to a high degree of precision. There are nowadays many types of dental loupes on the market, and the dentist will be able to choose which one suits his particular type of dental surgery, whether it be regular dental surgery or cosmetic dentistry. This article will take a look at the various types of loupes on the market, both for the dental surgeon and other types of medical surgeon, including general surgical loupes, eye loupes, headband loupes, folding loupes and specialized loupes such as binocular loupes and triplet loupes. It will also take a look at some of the considerations that need to be borne in mind when choosing a loupe for a particular type of surgery.

Dental loupes have improved greatly over the past few years, and now enable the dentist to carry out very detailed dental surgery since they enable the dentist to see very clearly exactly what he’s doing. A dental loupes is available in various magnifications, which can range from a 4x loupe, through to 6x, and in some cases even up to a 10x loupe. The type that is chosen will depend very much on the type of dental surgery to be carried out, though there are now many different types of loupe available to the dentist and the regular surgeon and it should be possible to find one that suits the type of surgery to be carried out.

Another name for surgical loupes is simply surgical glasses, and it is this name by which they are known in some quarters. However, medical loupes are usually of a very high magnification in order to enable the surgeon to carry out very intricate surgery, and in some cases the surgeon will need to buy a loupe suitable for microsurgery. For this type of surgery the surgeon may choose a 20x loupe, or even a 30x loupe in order to get the correct magnification for the job at hand. Luckily, surgery loupes are now available in so many different types of magnification that it is definitely possible to find one which is just right for the type of surgery to be carried out.

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Dental Loupes

One of the things that needs to be considered is the way that the medical loupes will fit onto the head. One of the main types of surgical loupe is what is known as a set of eye loupes, since these will simply fit onto the eyes and will either be held in place by a frame similar to a frame used for regular spectacles, or will be held in place by a headband which will fit around a head and hold the optical loupes in place over the eyes. Many people prefer to use headband loupes since they are very easy to put on and take off and can be very comfortable.

Another type that is very popular comes from the range of folding loupes, which, as the name implies can be folded to make for ease of storage and also easily moved from one place to another. These types of loupes are generally of lower magnification, and therefore are classed as loupes for general surgery. These types of medical loupes are usually 4.5x magnification, 5.5x magnification or 6x magnification.

It is when the surgeon needs to carry out specialized surgery such as microsurgery, or in the case of a dentist, having to carry out surgery which may involve dealing with very small nerves, that there may be a need for a specialized loupe. Binocular loupes are amongst the specialized types that are very commonly used in many different types of surgery, though specially microsurgery which needs very strong magnification. However, triplet loupes are also very commonly used for many types of surgical procedure nowadays, and the surgeon has a good choice of makes from which to choose for each of these types of loupe.
Dental Loupes

Whether the surgeon is looking for dental loupes or simply looking for general surgical loupes, there is a huge range on the market. However, among the best surgical loupes available, Carl Zeiss surgical loupes are ones that are definitely worthy of consideration, as are Bausch and Lomb loupes.

As can be seen there are many types of loupe on the market and care needs to be taken that the correct choice is made for the particular type of surgery to be carried out. Dental loupes can be used for regular dental surgery, but even here when very intricate dental surgery is to be carried out there may be a need for a specialized loupe which may go up to 30x magnification.

For general surgery there are many types of low magnification loupe that can be used, ranging from 4x magnification up to 30x magnification. Whether the loupe is needed for general surgery or something intricate such as microsurgery, and whether you are searching for general eye loupes or something more specialized such as binocular loupes, take time to look at some of the many online surgical equipment suppliers, which can often deliver surgical loupes directly to your place of work. Finding the correct type of surgical loupes has never been easier.

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