Medical Lasers - medicalequipment

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26 May 2011


Medical Lasers

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Of all the medical inventions that have improved surgical procedures of the past few years one of the most important must be the advent of medical lasers. These pieces of equipment have really changed the face of surgery, and there are now hardly any branches of surgery that does not use medical laser equipment in one way or another.

Medical lasers systems are very wide-ranging and can be used for so many different types of surgery that almost any type of the medical field can now use this technology. This article will look at the various types of medical lasers that are available, including dental lasers, cosmetic lasers, dermatology lasers, eye lasers, and hair removal lasers, and will also look at some considerations that need to be borne in mind when choosing medical laser equipment for a particular type of surgery.

Medical lasers were once very rare, but in the past 20 years or so the number of surgical procedures that can be carried out by using medical laser equipment has increased to the point where there are now probably no part of the medical field that does not use a surgical laser at some point. The good thing about using lasers for a surgical procedure is that it is extremely accurate, and can be used to make incisions and to remove tumors and so forth from the body to an accuracy that would have been impossible if the surgeon was using a scalpel or some other traditional surgical instrument.

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Medical Lasers

Surgical lasers are not cheap pieces of equipment, and it is because of this that it is mainly the large hospitals that use them, and even some lasers for general surgery are not as common as general medical equipment such as scalpels and faucets. However, this technology is being increasingly used for even regular surgical procedures and even the smallest hospital will often now have some kind of medical laser system installed to be used for some routine surgical procedures. Because of the cost of this technology many hospitals and clinics look to medical laser rental as a way of having the equipment without having to buy it out right. There are some surgical suppliers which can rent out certain types of equipment though care needs to be taken at the correct supplier is chosen.

Dental lasers have also become more common over the past few years, and one of the main advantages of using lasers in dental treatment is that the surgery can be minimally invasive. Laser surgery is renowned for this, and in the dental field it can be used both for cosmetic dentistry and also to help in the prevention of tooth decay as well well as being used for minor dental surgery such as getting rid of tooth decay.

One of the greatest uses of this type of technology is in the field of cosmetic lasers, because it is here that the laser can be used to great advantage in order to make cosmetic changes to the skin without the patient having to undergo surgery using traditional instruments such as a scalpel. Lasers for cosmetic surgery, which can be known as aesthetic lasers, are now in widespread use, and almost every type of cosmetic surgery will use the technology at some point. Scar removal lasers, which, as the name implies, are lasers used for scar removal, can be very effective as a means of improving the look of the patient. These types of skin lasers can be used in the treatment of acne, lasers which produced specially to be used on facial tissue. There are now many clinics which are using this type of treatment.

Lasers for dermatology are now one of the main types used in the medical profession, and it is not only for scar removal or acne treatment that they are used. Facial lasers can be used as a way to treat skin discoloration, and also be used to remove moles and other forms of facial disfigurement.

However, it is in the treatment of optical conditions such short sight that the technology has really flowered over the past few years. Eye lasers, which are also known by the name of optical lasers in some medical fields, are now in widespread use as a way of treating many different types of eye condition. Ophthalmic medicine has embraced the use of lasers as a standard procedure in many cases, and laser light surgery can now be carried out on a day patient basis in many cases.
Medical Lasers

One off the other main types of medical procedure where lasers have really come into their own is in another field off cosmetic surgery, and it is here that hair removal lasers are now commonly used as a way of removing excess hair. The main reason that medical lasers are used for this treatment is that the hair removal can be permanent, which means the patient does not need to return for further treatment once the hair is removed.

As mentioned above any type of medical laser equipment, whether it be a cosmetic laser, a dermatology laser or a hair removal laser can be quite expensive and it is for this reason that many clinics, especially the smaller clinics, may look to buy a used medical laser. This is very possible, though in order to make the correct choice care needs to be taken that the equipment is in good condition, and this can be achieved by making sure that the medical laser supplier is one that is trustworthy and has a good range of clients.

As can be seen there are many uses for medical lasers in today’s medical field, and whether or not the lasers are to be used for general surgery, specialized surgery or whether they are to be used for cosmetic means such as hair removal or scar removal, there is a wide range of choice available. Take time to look at the various online suppliers a lot of research before choosing the laser equipment that is right for your particular medical field.

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