This is for ONE BIOZ ICG MODULE only. The unit is in EXCELLENT condition and includes a ONE YEAR WARRANTY. we also carry all other components of this system. GE Healthcare Information Technologies' BioZ® Impedance Cardiography (ICG) Module brings noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring to GE's bedside Solar and Dash patient monitoring systems. The BioZ ICG Module allows rapid, accurate, and continuous assessment of a patient's hemodynamic status, including: * Cardiac Output/Index * Systemic Vascular Resistance/Index * Fluid Status When incorporated into initial clinical assessment, ICG may help: * Assess baseline status * Identify appropriate therapeutic interventions * Distinguish those patients with early therapy response The use of ICG may also help shorten length of stay, reduce overall hospital charges, and potentially improve patient outcomes.
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28 May 2011

Bioz Icg Module For Marquette Solar 9500 /8000
Bioz Icg Module For Marquette Solar 9500 /8000
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