Are you looking for Electrocardiograph machine (EKG machine) ? When patients are suspected of having heart disease or an abnormality, a physician may refer them to an EKG technician for testing.
The Electrocardiograph (EKG or ECG), which was created in 1877 by Augustus Waller. EKG or ECG is a device which graphically records the electrical activity of the muscles of the heart to identify normal and abnormal heartbeats.
New! Mac 5000/5500 Premium EKG System

MAC 5000/5500 provides the most complete suite of advanced analysis algoritms, with system digital compact acquisition module virtually eliminates non-cardiac electrical noise. EKG machine use wide active matrix display screen increases viewing angles for greater user convenience, Monochrome display.
Bionet CardioCare 2000 EKG is Multi channel interpretive resting EKG machine, with features 3 operation modes of monitoring, recording and copy for user's convenience. This EKG machine using a modem interface the ECG data can be transmitted directly into the fax machine in the other area for the consultation.

Bionet CardioCare 2000 EKG