Buying Used or Renting Medical Equipment Can be the Best Route - medicalequipment

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16 May 2011


Buying Used or Renting Medical Equipment Can be the Best Route

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In the medical field, there are some very complicated machines out there that are often necessary for performing a variety of procedures. For a medical office or hospital to be up to date and current, that often means constantly shelling out a lot of money for the latest devices that come out.

This can get really expensive over time, and often an office can’t always afford to do this. However, in order to be relevant and competitive with other medical offices, the top of the line machines are absolutely needed. That’s why there are companies out there who rent medical equipment or sometimes sell refurbished medical equipment.


Now some people may ask why someone would rent medical equipment. It seems that it would get expensive to keep renting equipment over and over. The upside of doing this is that maybe there is a new machine coming out soon and you need to save up money to afford it. Instead of buying the older model and spending a lot of money to only sell it for less later, you save money by temporarily renting the older model and then stop once you can afford the brand new model.

Another question that is often asked is how the quality of used medical equipment is. Often times a company may order too many of a machine, or maybe they are going out of business or losing money and must sell off their machines that can often be just as good as new. Some companies such as a medical equipment repair shop will buy those, refurbish them, and then sell them for cheaper than the brand new machines of the same kind.

So maybe you’re a new medical office and you need to get the best medical equipment you can find to stay competitive, you don’t need to buy new all the time, especially in today’s harsh economy. Often times the best solution is to buy the same new model that has been slightly used and refurbished. The same quality work will be done for a much lower price. Or maybe you will have enough money soon for a new model that will be coming out later, so renting an older model for the time being is the most cost effective way of going about it.

Remember, just because something is used, doesn’t mean it’s works any differently than its new counterpart, often the only difference is the price!

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