Metzenbaum Scissors - medicalequipment

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19 May 2011


Metzenbaum Scissors

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There are many types of surgical scissors on the market, and when you are looking for a particular type of scissors for a particular type of surgical or nursing task you need to make sure you get the right type. One of the most popular types are Metzenbaum scissors, a name which has become synonymous with quality for many years. These scissors come in many different types and sizes, ranging from 5 1/2 inches up to 12 inches, and are made of stainless steel to give an enduring quality. However, Metzenbaum scissors are not the only name that can be used in the operating theater or for other types of medical work, including dental work, and there are many different types that need to be considered.

EMT scissors are also one of the more common types of medical scissors, as are Mayo scissorsMetzenbaum Scissors and Iris. This article will look at the various types of Metzenbaum scissors that are available, along with some of the other major types of operating and medical scissors, as well as some of the qualities they possess such as whether they are shop or blunt on the tips, curved or straight, or whether they are serrated or not.

Metzenbaum scissors have become one of the most well-known types of medical scissors due to the fact that they have been around for several years. These scissors are made of steel, which makes them strong and very hard wearing. There are long handled surgery scissors, with the ratio of blade to handle that is quite small.

Metzenbaum scissors sizes start at 5 ½ inches and go through the sizes of 7 inches, 8 inches, 9 inches and all the way up to a 12 inch version. These scissors are essentially operating scissors, and as such they have several styles to be used for various surgical procedures, including very fine blade types. The tips can be sharp or blunt, and the type that is chosen will very depending on the type of surgical work to be done. Metzenbaum scissors with sharp tips would usually be used where intricate cutting is required as part of the operation. The scissors also come in curved blade types and blades which are straight.

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Metzenbaum Scissors

Among the major types of medical scissors are what are known as EMT scissors, which are essentially used in medical emergencies, in order to cut through very thick clothing so that medical treatment may be given. They may also be used to cut through very thick bandages in certain situations, something which they are manufactured for since they are very strong scissors with very strong blades.

Looking at surgery scissors, there are several types which are worthy of consideration and these include Mayo scissors and Iris scissors, both of which have got a great reputation for being a very good surgical instrument. It could be said that these are types of operating scissors that can be seen in almost any operating theater, and you will find that these are available from many different surgical instrument suppliers, since they are usually in demand.

As mentioned above, EMT scissors can be used for cutting through thick cloth including bandages, though there are several types of specialty bandage scissor on the market, which can be purchased in order to do this specialist job. Lister bandage scissors or a well-known name in this regard.

There are also several types of scissors which are made for general medical work. Amongst these types of medical scissors are a type known as nursing scissors, which are in effect a general purpose medical scissor used for many of the day to day jobs that a nurse has to do. These types can have very long blades or very short blades, although serrated edge scissors are often in use in the medical profession.
Metzenbaum Scissors

There is also a market for specialty scissors and amongst the types include micro-scissors and dissecting scissors, the former being used for intricate surgical work, while the latter are used, as the name suggests, for dissecting work that is done as part of an operation. Dental scissors also take up a good share of the market, with specialty scissors for dental work including scissors for gum surgery.

As can be seen there are several types of medical scissors on the market, with Metzenbaum scissors being one of the most well known of this type. However, EMT scissors are also very well known, along with Mayo and Iris types. When you are looking for surgery scissors take time to look at the various online suppliers that can supply these essential surgical instruments, and then choose a supplier which can give you good prices but also with a warranty to make sure that your comfort in the event of anything going wrong with the purchase.

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