1018M HD Sterilizer - medicalequipment

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11 October 2011


1018M HD Sterilizer

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 20-minute cold cycle time is 33% faster than a Tuttnauer 2540M. Superior door design prolongs gasket life and eliminates the hassle of a "flip-flop" latching mechanism. Medical grade 304 Stainless Steel vented cabinet won't crack, chip, peel, bubble or rust, looking new for years.

Heavy Duty construction of the 1018M HD manual sterilizer provides a longer lifespan and reduces maintenance and repair costs. Beginning with the frame and hardware, 14 gauge wiring and heavy duty components, it's built to process heavy workloads.
  • Built better to last longer and work harder
  • Automatic shut off at the end of both the sterilization and dry cycles
  • Chamber dimensions: 10"W x 19"D
  • Standard unwrapped cycle time: Cold: 20 minutes; Hot: 12 minutes
  • Bonded, industrial-grade, dense fiberglass insulation keeps more heat inside the chamber instead of your lab
  • Fully vented cabinet protects wiring and electronic components from condensation
  • Wide, front and back level-adjusting feet reduce leveling errors and won't scratch counter-tops
  • 50% longer warranty than comparable sterilizers
  • Service and support in the USA


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