The Quinton Q-Stress Stress System is a current product in stress test from Quinton. The Q-Stress offers full cisclosure, network connectivity, real-time ST monitoring, report formatting, fast reports from QuickLists, ectopic capture and display, and customizable features including control panels, protocols and in-test reports, notifications and prompts. The Q-Stress system is easy to operate and allows you to print 12-lead and write screens with theclick of the mouse or keyboard. Large Start/Stop icons on the monitor allow quick treadmill control. The intuitive programming of the Q-Stress facilitate a quick and easy path through the examination, from start to finish. All of the user, system and treadmill controls can be accessed by the mouse or the keyboard. This sytem is complete with the TM55 treadmill, console, flat screen monitor, keyboard, cables and 6-month warranty. This system is sold refurbished and is in excellent condition.
- 110/230 VAC
- 15 inch flat panel monitor
- Chart recorder, laser
- Remote entry keypad
- TM55 treadmill
- QRS and 3 analog ECG ports
- True 12-lead ECG
- Automatic blood pressure monitor input available
- 80GB hard drive
- Modem connection via standard phone line
- Network Interface is Microsfot client/server
- Export/Cmmunication/Protocol/Format is XML/TCP/IP/PDF
- Microsoft SQL 2000 database
- Microsoft Outlook Express email